Eccentric, twenty years old and Ryan’s best friend since the eighth grade, Conner considers himself the mastermind of the duo, and he’s not wrong, though calling him the “brains” behind any of their poorly thought out schemes isn’t exactly paying him a compliment. He works as a night stocker in a local warehouse, which is owned by a company he cannot name, and he never sees the same coworkers twice. The Do Anything Agency is his brainchild.
conner bleu.
Eccentric, twenty years old and Ryan’s best friend since the eighth grade, Conner considers himself the mastermind of the duo, and he’s not wrong, though calling him the “brains” behind any of their poorly thought out schemes isn’t exactly paying him a compliment. He works as a night stocker in a local warehouse, which is owned by a company he cannot name, and he never sees the same coworkers twice. The Do Anything Agency is his brainchild.